Tuesday 31 March 2020

01.04.20 Maths Day 8 Fractions of a Set (2)

Maths Day 8

Follow the link to your Maths Learning for today

LESSON 8: Fractions of a Set of Objects (2)

Play one video each day and complete the worksheet.
If you are unable to print the worksheet, write your answers on a piece of paper.


01.04.20 Eng Day 8 Sick Sentences

Sick Sentences:

The sentences below are sick and need your help to get better. Re-write these sentences and improve them by including different skills.

“The muddy tsunami was dangerous.”

“The tsunami moved fast.”

“The scary tsunami was unexpected.”

Suddenly, the big wave crashed into buildings.”

Remember to include:
·        Adjectives to describe the noun
·        Verbs to describe what the noun is doing
·        Adverbs to describe the verbs
·        Similes e.g. as tall as a skyscraper.
·        Prepositions as sentences starters e.g. Below the clouds.

Class Dojo

😎Great Job Maisie😎
You were the first to complete the geography quiz! 
I have given you 5 Dojo points!

Well done to the following pupils for completing the quiz! 
You have received 4 Dojos!

Geography Day 7 - European Countries

QUIZ TIME: European Countries

During International Week, we used a map of Europe to 
locate different countries in Europe. Use this activity to recap
 your knowledge. 

😀MISS ROBINSON CREATED A QUIZ FOR YOU. Click the link and type the quiz code to join the quiz😀

Room Name: ROBINSON368

🙌Miss Robinson will announce the top quiz scorers on Friday!🙌

Use the map of Europe on this page or click the link to 

Google Maps to complete the Geography quiz! 

Monday 30 March 2020

31.03.20 Maths Day 7 Fractions of a Set

Maths Day 7

Follow the link to your Maths Learning for today

LESSON 7: Fractions of a Set of Objects

Play one video each day and complete the worksheet.
If you are unable to print the worksheet, write your answers on a piece of paper.


31.03.20 Eng Day 7 Reading

Reading challenge:

Click on the photo's to make them bigger!

1. “Marcus dove to the ground”.

Why does Marcus have to dive to the ground?

2. Why didn’t Marcus feel anything when the statue collapsed?

3. What was the only body part that Marcus injured?

4. Why was Marcus tempted to steal an apple?

5. What do you think the street vendor means, when he says, “The giant beast must be restless”?

Doncaster Stories

Hi all,
Doncaster Literacy Trust are organising some great competitions over the lockdown period.  I think this would be a great opportunity for your child to develop their creative writing skills and their love of reading.  
Here is a link to their facebook page - please take a look!

This week the creative writing challenge is set at The Frenchgate Centre!  I could see some amazing creativity from this!  Please encourage your child to take part.  It is such a great opportunity for them.

Happy Writing!
Mrs Clark xx

30.03.20 Maths Day 6 Fractions

Maths Day 6

Follow the link to your Maths Learning for today

LESSON 6: Fractions on a Number Line

Play one video each day and complete the worksheet.
If you are unable to print the worksheet, write your answers on a piece of paper.


Sunday 29 March 2020

30.03.20 Eng Day 6 Persuade

Picture of the day:

TASK: Write a paragraph to persuade the humans to treat the animals with respect.

You could start with:

It is important that…

It is terrible that…

We need to protect…

How would you feel if…?

Will you…?

Can you believe that...?

Friday 27 March 2020

27.03.20 Maths Day 5 Decimals

Maths Day 5

Follow the link to your Maths Learning for today

LESSON 5: Decimals

Play one video each day and complete the worksheet.
If you are unable to print the worksheet, write your answers on a piece of paper.


27.03.20 Eng Day 5 Diary

English Day 5

Writing Challenge

Diary Writing

Write a short diary entry as if you are Marcus. 

Dear Diary, 
                You won't believe...

The day began...
Without warning...
My eyes widened, as before me I saw...
My ears rang with the sound of...
As my feet pounded against the broken streets...
I felt...
I couldn't help but think...

Remember when we wrote a diary entry from the point of view of Ben? Use those skills and writing style for your new diary entry. 

Thursday 26 March 2020

26.03.20 Maths Day 4 Tenths (2)

Maths Day 4

Follow the link to your Maths Learning for today

LESSON 4: Counting in Tenths

Play one video each day and complete the worksheet.
If you are unable to print the worksheet, write your answers on a piece of paper.


26.03.20 Eng Day 4 Reading

English Day 4

Reading Challenge

Question Time!

1. Why do you think the people has been 'dreading this moment'?

2. What do you think the phrase 'golden death' is referring to?

3. What do you think the author means by 'nature taking it's revenge'?

4. Find a verb that has the same meaning as 'flowed'?

5. THESAURUS/ GOOGLE: Write a list of synonyms (words with the same meaning) as 'chaos'?

6. What animal is the lightning compared to? Do you think this is a good way to describe the lightning? Why?

Wednesday 25 March 2020

Topic: Menu 1


Get eggsploring!

Hide eggs (or any other object) around the house and in the garden. Create a map and plot the points where you have hidden your eggs. If you want to challenge yourself, could you add grid references and compass directions? 
Could you ask someone else in your house to go on a hunt to find the eggs?


We know that Japan have earthquake resistant buildings.

Can you build a structure that would stay standing during a natural disaster? Material ideas: lego, paper, cardboard, straws, spaghetti.

You could test the strength of your structure using a hairdryer, a fan or by shaking it? Record the results in your home learning book.


Christians will soon be celebrating Easter. Click on the link below to watch a video of the Easter story.
The Easter Story

Create a story board to retell the Easter story.

Create a role play or puppet show to retell the Easter story.


Below is a video link for A Day in Pompeii. 
A Day in Pompeii

We would like you to make an instrument from materials you find in your house. Can you play your instrument alongside the video? Quiet and slow sounds for the calm parts of the video and loud and fast sounds for the dramatic parts!
There are some ideas of instruments below!

Hokusai's prints:

Could you have a go at recreating one of Hokusai's prints? 
You could:
  • Print using potatoes, card or any other suitable material.
  • Paint the great wave or the volcano.
  • Sketch using pencil and colour using colouring pencils or pastels.

Miss Vardy and Miss Robinson are looking forward to seeing some of your final products! Enjoy getting creative!

25.03.20 Maths Day 3 Tenths

Maths Day 3

Follow the link to your Maths Learning for today

LESSON 3: Tenths

Play one video each day and complete the worksheet.
If you are unable to print the worksheet, write your answers on a piece of paper.


25.03.20 Eng Day 3 Verbs

English Day 3

Word Level Challenge: Verbs

Sentence challenge!
Verbs are action/doing words.
Which sentence(s) contains two verbs?
The volcano erupted an oozing, orange lava.
Lava exploded out of the volcano, bubbling over the landscape.
A streak of lightning shot across the sky.
The ash-cloud shot over the land, rising high up into the sky.
Can you use interesting verbs in your writing today? How about some of these:

Tuesday 24 March 2020

24.03.20 Maths Day 2 The Whole One

Maths Day 2

Follow the link to your Maths Learning for today

LESSON 2: Making the Whole

Play one video each day and complete the worksheet.
If you are unable to print the worksheet, write your answers on a piece of paper.


24.03.20 Eng Day 2 Nouns

 English Day 2

Word Level Challenge: Nouns

Start today's lesson by watching the video to recap the difference between a common and proper noun.


A noun is a person, place, thing or idea.

COMMON NOUN – the non-specific name for a person place or thing. 

(what something or someone is)

e.g. teacher, school, boy, town, apple, cat

PROPER NOUN – the official name of a specific noun, or what you 

would call the noun is you knew it’s proper name. These always begin

with a capital letter.

e.g. Miss Robinson, Hill Top Academy, Edlington, Pompeii, Marcus 


1. Create a booklet like the one below and search for common and proper nouns around your home. 

HINT: Proper nouns can be brands of food, book and film titles, names of people, places and pets. 

Can't wait to see the nouns that you find!