Wednesday 25 March 2020

Topic: Menu 1


Get eggsploring!

Hide eggs (or any other object) around the house and in the garden. Create a map and plot the points where you have hidden your eggs. If you want to challenge yourself, could you add grid references and compass directions? 
Could you ask someone else in your house to go on a hunt to find the eggs?


We know that Japan have earthquake resistant buildings.

Can you build a structure that would stay standing during a natural disaster? Material ideas: lego, paper, cardboard, straws, spaghetti.

You could test the strength of your structure using a hairdryer, a fan or by shaking it? Record the results in your home learning book.


Christians will soon be celebrating Easter. Click on the link below to watch a video of the Easter story.
The Easter Story

Create a story board to retell the Easter story.

Create a role play or puppet show to retell the Easter story.


Below is a video link for A Day in Pompeii. 
A Day in Pompeii

We would like you to make an instrument from materials you find in your house. Can you play your instrument alongside the video? Quiet and slow sounds for the calm parts of the video and loud and fast sounds for the dramatic parts!
There are some ideas of instruments below!

Hokusai's prints:

Could you have a go at recreating one of Hokusai's prints? 
You could:
  • Print using potatoes, card or any other suitable material.
  • Paint the great wave or the volcano.
  • Sketch using pencil and colour using colouring pencils or pastels.

Miss Vardy and Miss Robinson are looking forward to seeing some of your final products! Enjoy getting creative!

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