Monday 13 July 2020

Final English Task: Letter writing

Good morning Year 3

Our English blog looks a little different this week. We have posted four lessons on one page. You can still complete each lesson on a different day, just like we would do in school. 

For our final four lessons of English, we are going to work towards writing a letter to your new teacher.

This week you will find out who your Year 4 teacher will be and they are both so amazing!

We are going to write them a letter to let them know a little bit about you and ask any questions you might have. Even though you don't know who your new teacher is yet, we can still start a letter and include their name at the end of the week. 

Lesson 1

LO: To write statement sentences  

A statement is a sentence that declares a fact, an opinion or an idea. It starts with a capital letter and usually finished with a full stop.

You will receive a teacher profile in your report pack, where your teachers have written five facts about themselves.

Well… your new teachers want to know about you too!


Can you write five facts in full sentences about yourself? Can you include conjunctions to join your statement sentences together?

I have a cat called Meredith and I have one brother who is 25 years old.

Lesson 2

LO: To write question sentences

Time to think about what you want to know. 

Do you have any questions about Year 4 for Mr Hissey or Mr Deakin?

A question sentence is a sentences that usually requires a response. It starts with a capital letter and finishes with a question mark. ?

Please write 5 questions you would like to ask your new teacher.

Will I have P.E with Coach Callum in Year 4?
What will we learn about in Year 4?

Lesson 3

LO: To draft a letter

Time to start planning your letter.

It has been a long time since we wrote a letter. Can you remember what it needs to start with?

Can you complete the sentences to create a short letter to your new teacher?

Dear ______

My name is ________

First of all, I would like you to know that I _________

Next, I would like to ask you about _______

From _________________

Lesson 4

LO: To re-write a letter

Time to complete your final polished piece.
Expand your short sentences to include all the facts you would like to share about yourself and at least 3 questions you have for your next teacher.

Let’s check your toolkit.

Can you use..?
·        Capital letters and full stops
·        Conjunctions
·        Adjectives
·        Accurate spellings
·        Statement sentences
·        Question sentences
·        Best handwriting
·        Correct letter format

If you email your learning to, we can pass this to your new teacher.

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