Monday 29 June 2020

Science - Monday 29th June (Trees)

Hi year 3,

Last time we look at pollinators, which are animals that help plants to reproduce and grow by spreading the seeds (pollen).

Today we are going to look at a special type of plant - TREES. Trees are PERENNIAL plants, which means they last for several years. Many flowering plants last for just one year or season.

As a fairly easy warm-up I would like you to label a diagram of a tree with its key parts. If you don't have a printer you could draw the tree yourself and label it.

Identifying Trees

Just like there are many types of flowering plants, there are also lots of different types of tree. Here are some of the common types of tree found in the United Kingdom. These include:

Silver birch
Horse Chesnut
Field Maple
London Plain

It is useful to know what some of these trees look like. I will put some pictures below and your task is:

1. Identify the tree and write the correct name.
2. Sketch a leaf from that tree.
3. Write a fact about the tree e.g. how tall they can grow, how long they live, what the seeds look like etc...

Tree 1
Tree 2
Tree 3
Tree 4

Tree 5

Tip - all of the trees are from the list above. If you are really stuck use the tree guide here:

Tree Guide

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