Sunday, 31 May 2020

01.06.20 Eng Day 43 Settings Description

This week in English, we are going to write a Settings Description. A settings description describes the scene or the environment. Have a think, what kind of words do we use to describe?

Many of you got involved with Miss Robinson's photography competition and took some fantastic photographs! Today's challenge is to take your own photograph, so that you can write about it in your settings description!
If you can't take your own photo, you could google "landscape photographs" and use one of those.

Here are some that Miss Vardy has taken. 

TASK: If you can, take a photo of the environment around you. Try to take a picture that has lots of different features in it, that you can describe. Once you have taken your photo, make a list of all the things you can describe. 

Wednesday, 27 May 2020

Virtual Photography Competition

Congratulations to Grace (Y3) and Layla (Y4) whose collections won the Virtual Photography Competition!

Click the link to see a video of all the entries and results

All of the photographs entered were such a high standard, we hope that you continue to take pictures and look out for the next competition.

More entries…

Friday, 22 May 2020

Maths Day 34 22.05.20 Investigating Angles

Investigating Angles

Today you are going to create a piece of art work and use it to investigate rules about angles.

You will need:
Piece of paper
Ruler (something to help you draw straight lines will do)
Three different colours

First assign a colour to each of the angles that you have learnt.

 Next, use the ruler to draw a series of intersecting lines (lines that cross over). Play the quick video to see an example - notice how I drew the right angles first. 

Now, choose a point where two lines meet and look at the angle between them. Colour code the angle correctly. Keep going until you have colour coded every angle!

What do you notice about angles that are opposite each other?

Can you draw two acute angles that share the same line?

Can you draw two obtuse angles that share the same line?

Thursday, 21 May 2020

22.05.20 Eng Day 42 Reading

Reading Challenge

Today's challenge is simply to read! 

You could choose a book that you have never read before or choose your favourite book and read it in a different place, in your house or garden! You could whisper read, read to an adult or call a friend and read to them. You could even dress as the main character whilst reading your story!

If you would like to do an activity based on the book you read, there is a list below
  • Book review 
  • Character profile 
  • Design a new front cover for your book 
  • Design a comic strip for your book 
  • Turn a potato (or any vegetable) into your favourite book character
  • Make finger puppets and get them to tell the story
  • Be the teacher! Make some of your own comprehension questions about your favourite book and see if an adult can answer them!

Miss Vardy and Miss Robinson are missing listening to you all read, so please send us your videos! 

Have a wonderful weekend Year 3! 

Spellings Week 4: Friday

Test yourself! 

See if you can write out the spelling words from your memory or ask a grown up to read them out, so that you can write them down. 

Mark your answers using a different coloured pen. If you spell a word wrong, don't worry, this is how we learn! Rewrite the word using your pen. You could focus on this word next week!

Maths Day 34 21.05.20 Types of Angles

Acute or Obtuse  

Watch the video to complete your first activities (shape drawing and a quiz) then complete the independent learning below.

Wednesday, 20 May 2020

21.05.20 Eng Day 41 Direct Speech

Direct Speech 

TASK 1: Write out the sentences and add the inverted commas. Inverted commas go around the part of the text that the person is saying. 
e.g. "I can't wait to eat my sweets," said Alex.

1. We went on holiday to Spain, said Charlie. 
2. I like to cast wicked spells, laughed the evil witch. 
3. You go that way, whispered Harriet to her friend. 
4. My favourite drink is lemonade, pronounced the boy. 
5. Quick, shouted Rosie, or we'll miss the ice cream van! 
6. Watch out, screeched Billy, that elephant is running straight towards you! 

TASK 2: Below there are some comic strip pictures and some speech bubbles. Write a sentence for each picture containing direct speech. 






Extension: Draw your own comic book pictures with speech bubbles, and write a sentence for each picture!

Spellings Week 4: Thursday

Today you are going to write some silly sentences using your spellings! 

TASK: Put every spelling word into a sentence. It can be as silly or as sensible as you like.

To make it trickier, you could use more than one spelling word in every sentence. You could also think of more than one sentence for every word.

E.g. The dinosaur heard a piece of fruit say "hello".

Enjoy being silly! 

A Message for 2LR3

2LR3, click the photo to see a message from Miss Robinson 😊

Tuesday, 19 May 2020

20.05.20 Eng Day 40 A or An

A or An 
STARTER: Sort the words into the two columns. Does the word begin with a vowel or a consonant? 

RULE: If the following word begins with a vowel sound "a,e,i,o,u", then you must put 'an'. If the following word beigins with a consonant sound, then you must put 'a'. 

Below there are some sentences. You need to fill in the blanks with 'a' or 'an'. 

1. On a branch, sat ____ wise owl. 
2. Luke kicked _____ orange ball into the air. 
3. Through her telescope, Tia saw ______ old man on the moon. 
4. _____ ambulance rushed down the street. 
5. Martin ate _____ delicious apple. 
6. The singer gave _____ interview on the television. 
7. Patrick had _____ multi-coloured pencil. 
8. We will go to the shops in _____ hour.

Spellings Week 4: Wednesday

Day 3: Magazine Words
Cut out letters from an old magazine or newspaper and put them together to spell your words. If you don't have any magazines, you could use magnetic letters or write your own words using a crazy font or bubble writing!

Maths Day 33 19.05.20 Introduction to Right Angles

Happy Tuesday Year 3!

The activities on this post are for Tuesday and Wednesday. There are four tasks for you to choose to completed over the next two days 😄

Over the next two days, you are going to be learning all about right angles.

Watch the video below for your introduction to understanding angles.

TASK 1: Make your own right angle measure.
(Cut out a circle, fold into quarters then cut our on of the quarters)

TASK 2: Can you find any right angles around your home? You could take pictures and create a right angle pic collage!

TASK 3: Print out the sheets below then cut out and sort the shapes into the table. Use your right angle measure to identify how many right angles each shape has. If you don't have a printer, draw the table into your book. You could then draw the shapes, colour them in, cut out then sort them.

TASK 4: Can you use Powerpoint or Word to create your own shape sorting activity? Send it to Miss Robinson to complete 😃

Monday, 18 May 2020

19.05.20 Eng Day 39 Word Types

Match up the different types of words.

Read the sentence below:

Rapidly, the tall boy sprinted towards the finish line

Colour code:
Adverb= A word that describes a verb 
Adjective= A word that describes a noun 
Noun= Person, place or thing 
Verb= A doing or action word

Your task today is to identify the different word types in each sentence. Write the sentence in your exercise books and underline the words in different colours. Make your own colour coded key with the colours you have at home! 

1. Quietly, the young girl walked up the grey stairs. 
2. Tim rapidly jumped over the orange hurdles. 
3. Gracefully, the bright, yellow flowers swayed in the cool breeze. 
4. Daisy carefully placed her teddies onto the blanket. 
5. Viciously, the dog barked as he chased after the fluffy, ginger cat.

Spellings Week 4: Tuesday


Day 2: Pyramid Spellings

Write out your spellings, adding on one letter at a time. This is a great way to remember the order of the letters in each word! 



Hill Top Staff Video

Hill Top Staff Video!

The staff at Hill Top are missing our pupils and families so here is a little video from us to you. We hope that it makes you smile 😊

Maths Day 33 18.05.20 2d Shapes

In Maths this week we are going to be looking at the properties of shapes.

We would like you start by conducting your own research and creating a poster to show the names and interesting facts for shapes with...

3 sides
4 sides (what different types can you find?)
5 sides
6 sides
7 sides
8 sides
9 sides
10 sides

Don't forget to email us your research! 

Sunday, 17 May 2020

Science Week 3


LO: To understand what a plant needs to survive

STARTER: Have a think about what humans need to survive. Do you think plants need the same things, or do they have different needs? 

Click on the link below to watch a short video.

In order to survive, plants need:
  • Air
  • Nutrients from the soil
  • Water
  • Sunlight
  • Space to grow 

TASK: Create something informative that explains what plants need to grow. You could make: 
  • A poster 
  • A gardening leaflet 
  • A PowerPoint or presentation explaining what plants need 
  • Label a plant in your garden with post it notes, explaining what it needs and where it gets it from 
  • A poem or song 

CHALLENGE: We know that plants require 5 key things in order to survive. Which one do you think is the most important? You must be able to explain why! Ask a grown up, do they agree with you, or do they think something else is more important? 
E.g I think water is the most important because...