Tuesday 19 May 2020

Maths Day 33 19.05.20 Introduction to Right Angles

Happy Tuesday Year 3!

The activities on this post are for Tuesday and Wednesday. There are four tasks for you to choose to completed over the next two days 😄

Over the next two days, you are going to be learning all about right angles.

Watch the video below for your introduction to understanding angles.

TASK 1: Make your own right angle measure.
(Cut out a circle, fold into quarters then cut our on of the quarters)

TASK 2: Can you find any right angles around your home? You could take pictures and create a right angle pic collage!

TASK 3: Print out the sheets below then cut out and sort the shapes into the table. Use your right angle measure to identify how many right angles each shape has. If you don't have a printer, draw the table into your book. You could then draw the shapes, colour them in, cut out then sort them.

TASK 4: Can you use Powerpoint or Word to create your own shape sorting activity? Send it to Miss Robinson to complete 😃

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