Thursday 16 April 2020

17.04.20 Eng Day 19 Reading The Lorax

The Lorax 

Today's reading challenge will be based on The Lorax, by Dr. Seuss. This is one of Miss Vardy's favourite books, as it has a very important message. See if you can find out what that message is. 

Click on the link below to listen to the story. The story is slightly longer than usual, so you could do this activity in 2 parts.

1. Take the video to 1.51 minutes.
Name 2 of the items that you need to pay the Once-ler.

2. Take the video to 4.53 minutes.
What does the Once-ler make from the Truffula Tree? 

3. Take the video to 5.59 minutes.
"He was very upset as he shouted and puffed".
Why do you think the Lorax is upset? 

4. Take the video to 9.50 minutes.
Why are the Brown Bar-ba-loots poorly? 

5. Take the video to 13.12 minutes.
"They'll walk on their fins and get woefully weary".
What does 'weary' mean? 

6. Take the video to 15.59 minutes.
Do you think the Once-ler felt bad for chopping down all of the Truffula trees? 

7. Take the video to 17.19 minutes.
Predict what happens next. 
Do you think the Lorax will return? 
Do you think all of the trees will grow back? 
Do you think everybody will forgive the Once-ler? 

8. This story helps us to understand why we need to look after our environment. 
Why are trees so important to us? 
If you would like- You could research this and create a poster about looking after our environment.

Well done Year 3!

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