Tuesday 21 April 2020

22.04.20 Eng Day 22 Poetry

Day 3: To write your own rhyming words

STARTER: Before you get into today's lesson, I would like you to choose an animal for your own poem. Roald Dahl wrote about a crocodile, Miss Vardy has chosen a snake. What animal will you choose?

Today's lesson focuses on creating rhyme. Rhyming can be quite tricky, so to start we will just rhyme single words. Remember- for it to be a rhyming word, the end sound must be the same e.g. make and shake.

TASK 1: Make a list of 5 nouns (person, place or thing) and 5 verbs (doing or action word) that could link to your animal:
Here is my list for a snake.



TASK 2: Now, have a go at creating words that rhyme! If you can find more than one rhyming word, you will have more options when writing your poem! 

Snake-  make, take, flake, wake, cake
Tail- fail, mail, rail, pale, whale
Tongue- gong, long, song, wrong
Venom- lemon, melon
Grass- pass, mass, glass

Slither- wither, quiver
Crawl - mall, call, fall, tall, wall
Wriggle - dribble, squiggle, jiggle 
Slide - glide, lied, wide, ride, cried
Shimmer - winner, simmer, dimmer

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