Monday 27 April 2020

27.04.20 Maths Day 22 - Learning 6 times tables

Today we are going to practise our 6 times tables facts. 

When we learn our times tables in class, we use our counting stick. This is a ruler with 12 coloured divisions like the one you see below. 

We learn three multiplications each day, practise them and play games just focusing on those three. This means that by learning a few facts at a time, we are making sure that they stay put in our long term memory!


Day 1: We learn 1 x 6, 2 x 6, 3 x 6

 TASK 1: Can you create your own counting stick to use this week? You could draw the counting stick on a piece of paper and Bluetac it to a wall (ask adults first) or you might find a good stick that you could paint on one of your walks! You might even like to create a counting stick using Powerpoint. 

TASK 2: Can you write the fact families for each multiplication sentence

e.g.    4 x 6 = 24

TASK 3: Can you find the multiplication sentences in the calculation search below?
EXTRA CHALLENGE: Can you create your own calculation search for the six times table?

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