Monday 27 April 2020

27.04.20 Reading Challenge

Reading Challenge

Teachers across school have been reading stories for you to enjoy, but we have also been enjoying reading our own books in our spare time. 

We would love to see how you have been keeping up with those reads! As a reading activity for this week, we would like you to do one of the following. If you are super motivated, you could choose more than one! 
  • Ask a grown up to film you reading part of your favourite book and send it to 
  • You could write a sequel to a book! This would be like a second part to the book, it might explain what happens next to the characters! 
  • Be the teacher- you could write your own comprehension questions about a book and ask someone else to answer them.
  • Be dramatic- you could act out different books and see if anybody can guess the book you have chosen. 
  • Create a character profile for one of your favourite characters (click to enlarge).

  • Retell the story by creating a comic strip (click to enlarge). 

  • Write a book review about your favourite book. You could use some of these templates for ideas (click to enlarge).

Remember to keep reading at least 3 times a week! Well done Year 3!

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